Sunday, November 27, 2011

Blogging is the pits

Frankly, I find this blogging thing very annoying, and here are my reasons

1.) I do not believe the process of blogging will make you a better writer, just because you have an "audience" (see point two). When you blog, you are more apt to write in a casual, conversational tone. Since this is not graded. I could. write in incomplete. sentences that. were not. capitalized and culd. by mispeled. If I write a blog like I was talking to someone, I'm not working on writing skills, I'm working on figuring out a speech, and simply writing it down (which is not a good thing anyways, you should be able to give speeches without reading off a written script by now). I doubt anyone in this class puts more then a couple minutes or a few passing thoughts into what they will blog about and quality is not top priority.

2.) Just because you have a supposed "audience" does not mean it will motivate you to write. So maybe 20 other people at most might look at your blog. You don't really care, and you're doing this for English class, not because you actually want to do this, so it simply becomes a plug and chug to complete it without much regard for what your audience thinks, because they honestly don't really care all that much.

3.) The time you spend blogging, and looking at other blogs just so you can write something down to get your weekly comment in can be better spent elsewhere. The time I've spent blogging today, I could of used to study for my up coming biology laboratory practical, or I could have gone to bed early, or worked on something else important with a deadline. Instead I'm wasting my time doing something I care zilch about, which for the most part reflects the feelings of others.

My proposal is to remove this blogging requirement from this Composition I class. It really is a bother, and I don't think it makes much of a difference in a person's writing ability so it purpose is not fulfilled. My writing has not improved this semester because I blogged, in fact some of my worst writing is manifested on this blog.
Let's end this inane insanity.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Car ride fun

Of course there are dozens of games to pass time during a long car ride. Maybe you've played the alphabet or license plate game, twenty questions, I spy, or the vacation game. If you've been on a bus or fifteen passenger you might have even played mafia in the car. All these games are well and good for having a bit of fun,and they do help to pass the time, but they normally only affect you and the people playing them. Everyone else in the car can just tune you out if the want to. Now where's the fun in that?

To have a real fun time in the car, you don't just play games for entertainment, you play games with the other passengers minds. Now this is not the game to break out in the very start of the ride. No, you must be subtle in the approach, or at least the time.

I am sure you are all familiar with the song "ninety nine bottles of coke (beer) on the wall." For those of you that are not, here are the lyrics
There are ninety nine bottles of coke on the wall
there are ninety nine bottles of coke
you take one down and pass it around
there are ninety eight bottles of coke on the wall

The song goes on, inserting each preceding number until you get to zero. There are two things you need to know about this song. One, that you may begin to loose you voice after 100 straight verses,and two, this song really has a way of getting on people's nerves. This my friends is where the mind games part comes in.

At some point in your car ride, when everything is pretty settled, and getting kind of mundane and boring, break out into song and begin the first verse. My guess is you'll get .4-3 verses in during the first try. If you have some one tolerant in the car, you may be able to get to "There are 89 bottles..." At some point however it is almost guaranteed one of your fellow passengers will ask you to stop politely, or threaten you with death. Look dejected and sulk for a moment, but then get on with your life as if your random bottles of coke singing desires have been sated.

Once you have them thinking you are no longer going to be singing, and everything is all boring again, start up right were you left off. This might be at eighty two bottles of coke, or half way through the first verse depending on how volatile your fellow passengers are. Again some one will threaten you with bodily harm. Stop again, and wait. By this point they will probably think that it was just a passing phase and you are truly done. However, your little mind game has just begun.

At some point, again restart from where you left off very quietly. "there are eighty one bottles of coke  on the wall (pause) eighty one bottles of coke (pause) you take one down (long pause)..." in fact pretend your done. Wait about a minute and then finish "You take one down and pass it around etc.etc." You will now start to see the paranoia set in. To continue your game, just start off where you left off at random times, never letting them know when, where,or how. Do it right and you will have them all jumpy about when you are about to begin again. You have officially paranoid them, good job. If you can get all the way to zero, even better job.

Now you may also have a very tolerant driver who actually hates the song and is annoyed, but will let you sing anyways. If this is the case, just let 'er rip for all one hundred verses. It will take you ten minutes minimum, and your voice will need a rest afterwards,so it's a good way to pass some time.

Have fun terrorizing your family and friends

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Do you speak...Parlez-vous Francais?

I don't know about but you but Il bogues vraiment me lorsque la langue change juste at random. You are fine just going vous affaires et  the language suddenly becomes french. Dernièrement, cela s'est passé à ma famille on Netflix, even when the show does not have french as a Langue de choix de draft de, or even as a subtitle option for that language.
Sometimes it will start out in English but à mi-chemin, grâce à cela changera, and then all the other episodes of that show will suddenly be french too. Otherwise, it will Démarrez comme français, and that particular episode will only be in french while all the other episodes remain in English.
So I'm sure you are thinking,just put on the subtitles, but the subtitles won't work, even when it has them as an option. I've been wanting to watch this one thing for over a month, and every time I try, the darn thing is in French! It is really getting frustrating. My mom is pretty much fluent in French, so she'll translate a bit here and there, but she's not going to act as an interpreter for an entire episode.

I will close with this:

Si vous êtes assez ambitieux pour mettre dans une forme quelconque de traducteur, bon pour vous ! Enfin bref, je déteste vraiment avoir à apprendre les langues étrangères, vous essayez, mais ils ne collera pas, donc je suppose que je suis bloqué avec jamais vu cet épisode particulier.
Prenez une minute pour vraiment réfléchir à langague, combien leur sont, comment chacun est unique, elle vraiment est l'esprit et rend juste que vous souhaitez arrêter de penser parce que c'est tellement écrasante.
Cordialement vôtre,
La fée Furry

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Come on and Get your NaNo on

Did you know that November is National Novel Writing Month (otherwise known as NaNo). The goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Now I know it's pretty late to be starting now (you'd need to write more than two thousand words a day), but why not aim to write 10,000, 5,000, or 1,000 words in your own mini "novel" this month? 1,000 words is only a page and a half to two pages single spaced depending on dialogue/how often you indent. Don't worry about the quality of it right off the bat. Strive for the quantity first, and brign the quality later. That what those of us going all the way out for fifty thousand have to do, so why not pretend you're writing a novel?
Here's some tips for getting your word count:

1. Just write
The word goal will never come if the paper stays blank or you keep deleting. Let it all out, then go back and fix your whirl wind.

2. Set time line goals
Since I started three days late, I'm aiming for 2,000 word per day. At some points, it can be really hard to get that next hundred words, but then another 300 hundred will just fly off your fingers out of no where. If you want to get 10,000 by the end of this month you'd only have to write 450 words a day, 5,000 you'd need 210 per day, and 1000 you'd need a measly 50 words per day.
The paragraph above is eighty words and took me less than two minutes to write, you can definitely have time to write a 1,000 word story this month.

3. Hold your story with an open hand
Have a general idea for the plot, but don't hold yourself rigidly to your preconceived notions and let the story lead you where it will. You may surprised, and may very be pleased with the results.

4. Stretch your word count
This will apply more to 10,000+ stories, but there are little things you can do to extend your word counts. Write out contractions (not so much in dialogue), instead of saying "them" or "they" say "Sara and Tom" or "my brothers", write out numbers. 147 counts as one word, but one hundred (and) forty seven is 4 (or 5) words.

5. Show don't tell!
"I was nervous" is three words, but "I chewed on my nails, and tried to act relaxed, but I felt ready to spring at a moments notice" is eighteen.

Try your hand at some creative writing this month, and good lock with your artistic endeavors!