For those of you not familiar with this freak show, let me give you a rundown. Jimmy is a boy that's skipping in the meadow with his flute, when a boat, yes a boat mind you comes by the shore and calls "come and play with me Jimmy." Talk about creepy.
Now Jimmy is a total dodo brain and gets in the boat! I'd be really unnerved if a boat just pulled up in front of me and told me to get in it. I would have grabbed my magic flute and bashed it, then high tailed it out of there. I thought your parents told you never to go anywhere with a stranger? Apparently Jimmy didn't get the memo, or thought it didn't apply if the stranger was a mode of transportation.
Big surprise when he finds out the boat was a trick from the witch "Witchipoo" (I kid you not), who wants Freddy (the magical talking flute) so he/it can play her music. Jimmy is almost in her clutches when he is rescued by "H.R. PuffnStuff" the mayor of "Living Island" where everything can talk and/or move. Unfortunately Jimmy is stuck there until they can find a way to get him off, though I don't understand why he can't get home. The premise of the series is Witchipoo, and her henchman (A giant yellow vulture (looks like a nightmare version of big bird) and some crazy looking orange thing that's fuzzy and has four arms) trying to get Freddy, only to be foiled by Jimmy and PuffnStuff.
You thought that was bad? That's only the theme song! Puffintuff is supposed to be a dragon, though he looked like a giant green, yellow, and red demented salamander. Living island is full of eye scorching clashing colors and patterns, and trees that can follow you and talk with Russian and Jamaican accents. In the episode I saw, Witchipoo and company dressed up in orange garbage bags and sunglasses, and sang about oranges in an attempted Freddy napping. Yeah. I think I am seriously scarred for life.
I'm sure it's crossed your mind "PuffnStuff? Talking boats, idiot children with talking flutes? Man these guys must be on crack or something." Well here are the words to the last bit of the theme song
H.R. Puffin Stuff
Who's your friend when things get rough?
H.R. Puffin Stuff
You can't get a little 'cause you can't get enough
Need I say more?
PuffnStuff, Jimmy and Witchipoo
The el-creepo talking trees
P.S. The show was canceled after one season (surprise, surprise) and Jimmy never gets off the island. Poor kid, he'll live the rest of his life as a perpetual drug trip.
Ha, I laughed when I saw the picture of H.R. Pufnstuf. I'll admit that I've seen the show. Yet I don't know if it's the creepiest show ever, but I can understand where you're coming from. And plus most of the TV shows that came from the minds of Sid and Marty Krofft (the creators) were all basically "drug trips" for children...