Friday, December 16, 2011

The great enigma

Since I posted about my dog last time, why not do my horse this time?
So, you probably don't know this, but my horse is very confident in herself. Almost nothing in life actually scares her (with the exception of cows and chicken wire), though that doesn't prevent her from spooking at stuff for the heck of it. I like to describe her as a conniving feminist diplomat. This pony has got an agenda. She mess everything, up play with all the other horse's minds, and worm her way to the top, all while staying friends with everybody. She makes herd dynamics very interesting with the things she does to the other horses. For example, sometimes if she's bored she'll play "chicken" by running straight towards another horse that's laying down to make them get up. Now, she'd never actually run them over but they don't know that.
        I'm telling this to make a point that my pony is very sure of herself, and a bit of a "lone wolf" around the other horses. She rather independant. She likes people, attention, and working (though she doesn't think she does) but she's not like those insecure horses that won't take a step if they aren't sure your sure. She can take care of herself, thank you very much.
Here's the enigma: My horse gets upset when she thinks people are angry at her. It doesn't help that I kid you not, my horse is a perfectionist. She gets mad at herself when she doesn't do things right.
      My trainer just sold one of her horses, and took another one on trial. She was working with the new horse, who had absolutely no ground manners. This new horse also was kind of dull. She wasn't listening, and my trainer had to wallop her with whip to get her to pay attention. (I want to point out right now that she was not beating this horse, and the whip she was using was a dressage whip. She had given the horse a chance to listen without being smacked, and the horse was totally fine). She also was saying "WHOA" very intensely.
Poor Jazmyne got so upset. She was so confused she thought my trainer was mad at HER. The whole time I was warming up she was very stressed, and got all "worrisome" every time the new horse was reprimanded. The new horse finally was stopping when asked, so she got put away. I had my trainer come and tell Jazmyne that she was a good girl, because my horse got so upset. As soon as my trainer "approved" her, she relaxed and was all normal again. I thought it was really wierd how much that reprimanding bothered her, even though it wasn't directed at her.
My horse wouldn't do that for everyone, but she really respects my trainer, and I couldn't believe how upset she got because she thought my trainer was mad at her.
I know it seems like I'm anthropomorphizing a bit, but if you were there you would understand. It's crazy how multifaceted and diffrent each animal's personality is.

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